Creation of commonwealth and well being for all stakeholders / segments of society through production, labor, finance. New community-based monetary systems. Social responsibility and social indicators. Servant leadership.

Peace through Business forms the segment next to Education. To create a new concept of business with its goal not primarily money-making, but attendant to a larger goal: the business and prosperity of humanity and the planet. So, business should be a service to some sector (see Eight Pathways) of the life of humanity and the planet, where long-term benefit to both is of primary concern. PTP has hosted local Peace Within Organizations (PWO) meetings to consider how social responsibility is being developed through consulting, political action, personal insight, and educational influence. Organizations participate and share knowledge and ideas in order to become more socially responsible and harmonious with the emerging paradigms.

Using the Pathways To Peace (PTP) Peace Wheel as a model, various thought leaders who attended a series of PTP Peacebuilding symposia created a Business Peace Wheel to be used as a communication and instruction device. The 7 segments of this Peace Wheel are:

  1. Purpose & Role of Business 21st Century - What is the true role of business in the 21st century? It no longer is only creating wealth for shareholders, but well being for all stakeholders. What would the world be like if the purpose of Business was "Narings Liv" (Swedish business term for "nourishment for life")? For example, an owner of a string of bakeries in Mexico says that the purpose of his business is to train people to be entrepreneurs.
  2. Sustainable Development - Paul Dolan, President, Fetzer Wineries talked at one PTP symposium about organic sustainable agriculture. John Adams spent one symposium talking about mindsets and the importance of finding ways to change them.
  3. Social Responsibility - Brian Gaines of Ben & Jerry's spoke of Peacebuilding through business as the "Double bottom-line", asking "What are we doing for communities as well as shareholders"?
  4. Money & New Economics - A very exciting and fascinating area is the area of rethinking Money and dual/complimentary currencies. Over the years, a number of speakers (Tom Greco, Joel Hodroff, Bernard Lietaer) have shared their knowledge and involvement in this area. What if Money was designed and used to build communities & enhance human life, "all life"? What would be businesses' role in this?
  5. Whole System Change - Looking at things from a whole systems approach will determine what emphasis is taken; what questions will be asked. For example, Paul Dolan of Fetzer Vineyards spoke to us about the changes going on at Fetzer. They have made many innovative changes in the areas of ecology, education about food and wine and working with children. Now they are asking what other parts of their system needs changing in order for the whole to work and grow harmoniously and support the larger community.
  6. Creative (Positive) People Practices - Bill Bridges talked about the de-jobbed world and Autumn Wagner talked about re-skilling people from downsized companies. In other words, we explored areas of empowerment; areas that those of us in organizational development know well.
  7. Ethics, Principles & Values - Business is being compelled to adopt the values and principles that build a sustainable society for all stakeholders.

Pathways Consulting has been working within the business community for over three decades, attempting to bring the Spirit of Peace to the corporate heart. Pathways Consulting excels in realigning corporate structure to harmonize with mission or deep purpose. Such moral grounding awakens the spirit of cooperation and inspires new creativity in the members of the organization, boosting morale and productivity. When corporations recognize and work truly to benefit all their stakeholders, their profitability soars.


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