Together, Building a Sustainable Culture of Peace
Along Diverse Pathways

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Pathways To Peace expands the understanding and expression of Peace, fosters Peacebuilders and Peacebuilding activities, and builds an integral movement for a Culture of Peace.

Pathways To Peace (PTP) is an international Peacebuilding, educational, and consulting organization. For over four decades, PTP has been actively making Peace a lived reality. PTP is an UN-designated Peace Messenger Organization and has Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). PTP works locally and globally, inter-generationally and multi-culturally, to support Peacebuilding, Peacebuilders, and to collaborate with other organizations in initiatives that advance the Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI). 

Since its inception in 1981, PTP has worked with the UN to expand awareness of and engage in the International Day of Peace (Peace Day), which is held annually on September 21st.  Peace Day has grown from a single event of a few hundred people into a global movement that reaches hundreds of millions of people. Peace Day, as established by unanimous United Nations resolution in 1981, provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace. 

With participants from around the world, the Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI) is a cooperative local-global Peacebuilding Initiative, uniting the strengths of organizations, networks, projects, and people to realize a Culture of Peace for the Common Good. The CPI also serves as a vehicle for bringing to light many previously unseen and unheard Peacebuilders working along diverse paths, who are embodying the emerging Culture of Peace within Humanity.  The annual highlight of the Culture of Peace Initiative is the International Day of Peace, which provides an opportunity for individuals, organizations, and nations to work together, on a shared date, to create practical acts of Peace with a year-round impact.

“Peace is both an innate state of being and a dynamic, transformative, and evolutionary process.”

This is how PTP defines Peace. Peace begins within, and as others discover inner Peace, they will radiate Peace and engage in a Peaceful way of life. At PTP, we see this happening around our world, as seen in the spread of the International Day of Peace and the growing Culture of Peace Initiative. We are moving beyond separation and recognizing our common humanity. We are acting to end violence and to embody the Peace our humanity cries out for and demands. We are envisioning and creating a world at Peace.

“Acting in concert, we do make a difference in the quality of our lives, our institutions, communities and our planetary future. Through co-operation, we manifest the essential Spirit that unites us amidst our diverse ways.” – Avon Mattison, Founder and President of PTP

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A world at peace.


Pathways To Peace expands the understanding and expression of Peace, fosters Peacebuilders and Peacebuilding activities, and builds an integral movement for a Culture of Peace.


  • Multi-cultural
  • Inter-generational
  • Global and local
  • Cooperation and collaboration
  • Diverse pathways to Peace


IMAGINE A WORLD Where governments respect the human rights of all their citizens and settle disputes by the rule of law for the common good.

Where all people have food, shelter and access to medical care, and children are born into and raised by healthy families and communities.

Where literacy and education for all are accomplished facts.

Where economic practices create well-being for all stakeholders, including communities and the environment.

Where beauty, the arts, and media inspire the best in people.

Where the benefits of science and technology enhance all circles of life.

Where tolerance and appreciation of diverse religious beliefs is the rule, spiritual practice is encouraged, and reverence for life fostered.

Where the earth in all her natural beauty is treasured and its resources utilized sustainably, for this and future generations.

This is a world at PEACE …

You Are a Pathway to Peace.

Download a copy of the Peace Card here.

PeaceWave: Minute of Silence/ Moment of Peace
~ Noon in all time zones

The PeaceWave began on the first observation of the UN International Day of Peace- 21 September 1982, and has continued to spread throughout the world in multiple ways. The PeaceWave is for Humanity to use as a unitive act of Peace on Peace Day & every day.


THE PEACE WHEEL© is a model for Peacebuilding, developed by Pathways To Peace and activated over the last 25 years. It consists of eight sectors, or pathways, that are interconnected and that symbolize different pathways. The 8 pathways recognize and engage all people as peacebuilders. These pathways transcend national, ethnic, racial, religious, age, identity, or gender differences; they are common to every society:


The rainbow-hued interlocking infinity symbols, aligned to the four directions, circle out and back to the green mother center which is Earth. These infinity symbols include all circles of life and all expressions within their embrace. The protective, mothering spirit of Nature, strong in Law and seemingly eternal in patience, encircles each individual living entity, urging each one along its own evolutionary pathway. “PEACE” is recognized as both an innate state of Being, and a dynamic evolutionary process wherein constructive growth can occur and the children of this and future generations may gain hope to inherit a better world. A world at Peace. The Peace Wheel© is a working model used (and continuously modified) in diverse ways, such as international conferences and organizations, Peacebuilding symposia, the International Day of Peace (Peace Day), and activities to build a Culture of Peace throughout our world.

Download a copy of the PDF here.

Click each pathway to learn more.


The International Day of Peace (“Peace Day”) is observed around the world each year on 21 September. Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution, Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace.

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The Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI) is a UN-designated “Peace Messenger Initiative” with participants in all the world’s regions. Its purpose is to unite the strengths of organizations and individuals who are working to make Peace a practical reality.

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The Business Plan for Peace (BPP)

This challenge brings Pathways To Peace, led by PTP Co-vice President Sheva Carr, and Scilla Elworthy’s Business Plan for Peace, together as core partners dedicated to enhance the evolution of a Culture of Peace. We are excited to live in remarkable times when a never-before convergence of forces is combining to finally make the possibility of peace the new reality.


Ashland Culture of Peace Commission (ACPC)

David Wick and Irene Kai brought the seeds of a Culture of Peace to Ashland, Oregon from their years of work with Pathways To Peace in which David had been active since 1980. They began as “CPI-Ashland” to organize a small group of dedicated local peacebuilders to explore, plan, and organize an association, working closely with the Ashland City Council. In less than three years, the Ashland Culture of Peace Commission has taken important steps to begin to fulfill its local – global mission.


Global Leaders Institute and PTP UN Youth Representatives

George Anthony, Pathways To Peace Representative to the United Nations, and the PTP UN Representatives in The Global Leaders Institute, are changing lives and changing our world. The Global Leaders Institute has recently released their new global education toolkit. The toolkit provides free lesson plans for students ages K-12. The program is offered to all those who are in need of education, specifically those who have lost their homes due to war and other global issues.


Journey To Your Heart

We’d like to introduce you to One Song, a White Spirit Bear, who along with his lightning bug friend Flint brings a heartfelt message of love, compassion, and life-affirming values and behaviors. These characters are featured in the first fable in a new series called A Journey to Your Heart. The Journey to Your Heart program is for children and adults from all walks of life that need hope, healing, and to hear they matter.