Mater Dei Prep Global Leaders leading the way!
March proved to be a busy month in the business of peacebuilding. The Mater Dei Prep Global Leaders Program continues to play a leadership role in Human/Civil Right dialogue and Global action planning. Through our partnerships with UN NGO Pathways To Peace, The Gandhi King Season for Non-Violence and The World Affairs Council, student voices are recognized both locally and globally!
L-R Eleanor Donahue, Gabriella Graham, Isabella Vargas and Margaret Fisher
Margaret Fisher, Gigi Grahams, Eleanor Donahue, and Isabella Vargas represented Mater Dei Prep at The World Quest Academic Tournament held at Seton Hall University. Parent Paul Fisher assisted in a Leadership role.
Eleanor Donohue MDP 23 stated “The Academic Tournament supported by The New Jersey World Affairs Council was an enriching experience for myself and the team. Last year was virtual so we were very eager to go in person this year. The competition was a lot of fun, and although we didn’t win, we’re looking forward to going back next year and taking home the gold.” Gabriella Graham reflected “Competing alongside my classmates and friends for the second year in a row was extremely exciting. I had learned more about the world through the topics I had studied, Where Climate and Migration Meet, and Current Events. We were competing against the same teams from last year, which was amazing to see! Even though we had not won this year, we have achieved a lot together through the past two years. I am looking forward to competing again next year and I cannot wait for the chance to be in person again, hopefully taking the top 3!” Margaret Fisher MDP 23 “The Academic World Quest, this Saturday, March 19th, was an enriching experience. Although we did not win, I feel that we learned a lot about the topics we were asked about, and even strategies to use for next year’s competition. I am very proud of myself, and my teammates and I think that we did well. I can’t wait for next year!”
Mater Dei Prep Global Leaders Institute played a significant role at The United Nations sixty-sixth session of the Commission on the Status of Women during the week of March 14 to 25 March 2022. Representatives of Member States, UN entities, and ECOSOC-accredited non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from all regions of the world are invited to contribute to the session.
Students Emma DeBiase, Isabella Vargas and Elizabeth Bertsch were selected to present and moderate at global workshop in partnership with UN NGO Pathways To Peace, led by Ex Director Tezikiah Gabriel on March 16th titled “Education of Woman and Girls on Climate Change” You can view the workshop here
The workshop also featured students Bella Shi, Margaret Fisher, Gerard Novello, MDP Alumni and UN Youth Representative Elizabeth Sheridan and George Anthony Director of The Global Leaders Institute as well as speakers and participants from around the world. Isabella Vargas summed up her experience “When I think back on the night of March 16th, I think of a night that was so extraordinary I will never forget it. I had felt anticipation for weeks leading up to that night. Because, that night from 6pm-8pm I was given the opportunity to present a 2-hour parallel event at the United Nations’ Conference of CSW 66. My two colleagues Emma DeBiase ‘23 and Elizabeth Bertsch ‘22, presented on the importance of Education of Women on Climate Change. Our presentation was coupled with wonderful speakers from our very own Mater Dei Prep, Elizabeth Sheridan (UN Representative and Alumni), Mr. Anthony (Director of the Global Leaders Program and UN Representative), and finally Peace for People a peacebuilding and educational organization in Nepal. I am immensely grateful for the window of being able to speak to a global audience at only seventeen years old about something I, and so many other youths around the world, are passionate about. This would not be possible without the support of Pathways to Peace, the Global Leaders program at Mater Dei Prep, Mr. Anthony and Tezikiah Gabreil (Executive Director of Pathways to Peace). It made the event even more profound to know Mr. Anthony and Tez were watching and supporting us there physically on our Zoom call, along with guests from everywhere from Mexico, the United Kingdom, Nepal, Brazil and Australia. The praise we received at our presentation has left an impact on me, and will stay with me as I grow older and continue to educate and spread peace.” – Isabella Vargas, Class of 2023
Workshop Facilitator Emma DeBiase ’23 stated
“When I was working on this presentation, I was nervous about making a statement, and having an impact on the world. Once I started talking, I was in my element, and I loved it. I can’t thank Pathways To Peace Ex Director Tezikiah Gabriel and Mr. George Anthony enough for the opportunity to present on such a global level. I look forward to continuing my work with the United Nations through next year!”
Margaret Fisher who spoke during this workshop stated “Climate Change is a very important topic in our world today, and I am very grateful to Emma, Isabella, and Elizabeth for giving me the opportunity to share my opinion on it. I believe that educating women and children on climate change will do a lot for our world, and I think that it is important that people like Emma, Isabella, and Elizabeth create these workshops that inspire people to learn and teach others.”
On March 19th, 2022 MDP students Cathrine Volk 24 and Abigail O’Sullivan MDP24 led a workshop titled “The Domestic Burden on Girls and its Impact on their Education.”
View workshop below.
Cathrine reflects back “Our workshop at the Commission on the Status of Women; The Domestic Burden on Girls and its Impact on their Education. This event was supported by Pathways to Peace and the Mater Dei Prep Global Leaders program.
Our idea originated from our own experience and those of girls we knew personally and had heard about online or in the news. I am the oldest girl in my intermediate and extended family, I am used to talking care of my siters and cousins. I have experience how that impacts my mental health and education, especially over the pandemic.
We started our workshop with a presentation created by our own experiences and research we had done into the lives or girls and women around the world. We learned how these women and so many others are affected by the domestic burden. We also learned and presented solutions such as on-campus childcare and time flexible education.
We were fortunate to have a group of phenomenal speakers. Bethsy Lima and Carolynn Wildrick, students at Mater Dei Prep, spoke about their lives as teenagers during the pandemic and with online education. Betsy spoke about her experience working during the pandemic and the pressure to get up with school and a job. Bethsy reflects “My role in speaking out for those that were affected educationally and mentally felt big. I felt nervous because I didn’t want to leave out anything that people could also go through. Yet, I did. I forgot about a time where one’s mental health also affects those around them. After stressing on how long the pandemic could last and how long it would take to get the jobs, we had back to help our families. After so much stress on how to bills and school were going to be paid; the whole family became depressed. Everyone gave up on hope, faith, and each other. Till one person finally comes and helps realize that you got to keep moving in order to succeed. You’re never fully prepared for the obstacles that are thrown to you. Even when it feels like the struggle will never end, you got to keep your head up”
Carolynn shared her life as the daughter of a single mother and how the pandemic allowed them to be brought closer together.
Our other speakers and panel consisted of; MDP Alumni Mary Verange, a 5th college student studying to become a social worker, Marlenis Rosa UN Representative a CSW presenter and a family service specialist, Tezikiah Gabriel, Director of Pathways to Peace, and Kimberly Weichel a Professor at the Lifelong Learning Institute at American University with a background working with women and girls around the world.
They each spoke about their own experience with the domestic burden during their lives and well as their work with women and girls in their local, national, and global communities. I learned about women’s issues that I have never heard of before.
I also was able to hear about the innovative and impactful ways these women are helping others and effective real change in the world.
We asked our panelists questions submitted to us by Mater Dei Prep Global Leaders students, ranging from how they have seen the domestic burden change throughout their lives, to helping women access contraception, and protecting sex workers. I am grateful for the opportunity to hear their responses and perspective about these issues
I am incredibly proud of our presentation, speakers, and all those who worked to make this event possible. I believe we used our voice and were able to share our message with people who will take it to make change in their communities.
March also saw the Global Leaders take a leadership role in presenting the 25TH Season for Non-Violence Conference led by Lindy Crescitelli and Shawn Landry.
If interested in attending the April 4 Conference, please register here
Mr. Anthony served as a Co-Chair to this Conference for many years. Students Emma Debiase serves as a technical coordinator and student moderator. Abigail O’Sullivan, Cathrine Volk continued in their roles as student speakers and Liam Lugay also is playing a prominent role as a student leader and presenter. This Conference brings together Human and Civil Rights leaders from our local area including Pastor Kerwin Webb Asbury Park, Rabbi Marc Kline -Shrewsbury Reform Temple, Angeline Butler Professor at John Jay and Civil Rights Organizer working closely with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and John Lewis.
The Season for Non-Violence Conference is presented over two conference dates. March 21st is a Inter Religious gathering bring together Inter Faith bridge builders and April 4th as the culmination Conference for the Gandhi King Season for Non-Violence. This conference will feature The Mater Dei Prep Chorus singing “Let There Be Peace on Earth” and “Pride -In the Name of Love” Students in the Chorus were led by New Jersey Musician and UN Representative Ray “Mr Ray” Andersen and MDP award winning educator Cindy Dwyer.
George Anthony who directs the Global Leaders program and serves as a United Nations Primary Representative for UN NGO Pathways To Peace states “Where most schools incorporate Model UN Programs, we raise the bar by providing opportunities to engage the United Nations and provide opportunities that follow our students far into their lives. Many of our Alumni have continued promoting their programs they developed at Mater Dei at The United Nations and with partner NGO’S. Some have taken positions at The UN. The program succeeds when students continue to take ownership of their voices, their talents and their dedication to building a better world. The past month students have also been preparing their own workshops on anti-bullying strategies, social media concerns and effective leadership to bring into the classrooms of area sender and middle schools. These workshops will be presented on the school campus and virtual utilizing the Zoom platform. Peacebuilding is a work in progress and The Mater Dei Global Institute continues to lead the way through action and solution-driven strategies. Always more to do and do we will. For additional information please reach out to GeorgeAnthony at or visit: