This pathway includes:
Harmonious inter-relationship of the physical, emotional, mental, and Soul levels. Resolving conflicts within self and society. Harmless human relationships. Partnership models. Psychologies of growth. Healthy food.
PEACE THROUGH HEALTH is our next segment. Health is oftentimes described as the absence of disease or injury, just as peace is oftentimes described as the absence of war. Both descriptions fall short.
Perhaps rather than the absence of disease, health can be thought of as a harmony occurring within the body — more like an orchestra. Our physical body with all its complex systems, our emotional body containing our feelings, our mental body with our thoughts and ideas are all under the guidance of our master conductor – our Spiritual Body.
If one section of the “orchestra” – be it physical, emotional or mental – is out of sync with any other, there is still a symphony — it simply may not sound as melodious. Even if one “instrument”, for instance the digestive system, is not keeping tempo, the entire orchestra is affected. When there is there is a sense of peace among our bodies and parts, we are at peace with good health.
Around our planet, health is a major concern and a high priority. The growing of healthy food is a key ingredient in providing health for all citizens of the world. In the US, obesity in children and adults has been characterized as a public health epidemic. Around the world, growing healthy food in areas where soil has become polluted or depleted of nutrients has become a major concern prompting several food-related movements. There is an expanding market for organic foods and more farmers around the world are seeking organic certification. The Slow Food movement seeks to preserve cultural cuisine and to preserve the food, plants and seeds, domestic animals, and farming within an eco-region. The slow food movement advocates resistance to the dehumanizing effects of large-scale, commercial food production. Farm-to-table is a social movement that promotes partnership between local growers, grocers, and restaurants, resulting in local, often natural or organic, food being offered in restaurants and school cafeterias. Farm-to-table allows consumers to trace the origin of the food they are consuming. Community-supported agriculture has supported the proliferation of farmers markets in areas that may be classified as “food deserts”. Farmers markets are a great place to forge connections to fresh food, people, and community. It is difficult for hungry people to wage peace.
Relationships thrive in a peaceful environment – no matter if we are talking about a couple, a family, a city or a country. When we get to the point where our differences are celebrated rather than judged or feared and when people truly listen to each other, right relationship will be the norm rather than the exception.
Throughout our history, PTP has accomplished its mission through partnership and collaboration. Together, we are building a Culture of Peace through diverse pathways.
“Acting in concert, we do make a difference in the quality of our lives, our institutions, our communities and our planetary future. Through co-operation, we manifest the essential Spirit that unites us amidst our diverse ways.” – Avon Mattison, Founder, Pathways To Peace
RELATED LINKS: World Health Organization Doctors without Borders Farm to Table Slow Food Smarter Lunchrooms Movement HeartMath Model International Paralympic Committee Mediators Beyond Borders