The Nuclear Disarmament Advocacy & Research Program is founded and led by Program Coordinator, Rinor Jani. Our work focuses on advocating for the adoption of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), developing new research, and shifting the discourse on nuclear disarmament in the Balkan region. We work alongside civil society, humanitarian organizations, municipalities, and national governments in the Balkan region for nuclear disarmament and global peace.

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New Cities Join Mayors For Peace Network 

In 1982, the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki established Mayors for Peace. It is a non- partisan, global network of municipalities that holds consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. Since its establishment, Mayors for Peace has expanded its membership and worked in solidarity with its member cities to call for the realization of a world free from nuclear weapons and lasting world peace. Led by the Mayor of Hiroshima and the Mayor of Nagasaki, Mayors For Peace has grown to over 8,300 member cities in 166 countries.
We are pleased to announce that the following cities have worked with Rinor to have them join the Mayors For Peace Network
Dropull, Pustec, Permet, Diber, Devoll, Has
Libohove, Klos, Prrenjas, Burrel, Peqin,  Himara, Librazhd, Lezhë, Belsh, Fushe Arrez, Vore

Signed Letter from Mayor Erion Veliaj – City of Tirana Officially Joins ICAN Cities Appeal

Mayor of Hiroshima Congratulates Pathways To Peace for New Milestone in Albania

Shqiptarja Article on Balkan Forum on Nuclear Disarmament

Shqiptarja article and video on the Balkan Forum on Nuclear Disarmament organized by Program Coordinator, Rinor Jani, at the Bunk Art 1′ museum in Tirana, Albania on August 25th, 2023. Read the full article here

Endorsement Letters from the Mayor of Hiroshima and the Mayor of Nagasaki for the Balkan Forum on Nuclear Disarmament

Balkan Forum on Nuclear Disarmament 
On August 25th, 2023, Pathways To Peace Program Coordinator, Rinor Jani, organized the Balkan Forum on Nuclear Disarmament at the Bunk Art 1’ Museum in Tirana, Albania. The conference focused on regional nuclear disarmament, the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons, and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).

Distinguished panelists include Ambassador Skurov Volodymyr, Embassy of Ukraine to the Republic of Albania, Deputy Mayor Keti Luarasi, City of Tirana, Secretary-General Artur Katuci, Red Cross Albania, Rene Holbach, Political Affairs Officer, UN Office of Disarmament Affairs (Vienna), Daniel Hogsta, Interim Executive Director, International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Dr. Maria Sotiropoulou, President, Greek Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Dr. Karly Burch, Lecturer, University of Auckland.

Light Projection Display at the Albanian Parliament

On August 21st, 2023, our Program Coordinator, Rinor Jani, organized the Light projection display at the Albanian Parliament. 
This was a powerful message to the entire Albanian parliament and government to sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). 

TV Interview on A2 CNN News Channel in Albania

Rinor Jani of Pathways To Peace was interviewed on A2 CNN News Channel where he spoke about the importance of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) in Albania and the important findings from the new Pathways To Peace research report
Rinor Jani I Pathways To Peace u intervistua Në Kanalin E Lajmeve A2 CNN ku foli për rëndësinë E Traktatit Për Ndalimin E Armëve Bërthamore (TPNW) në Shqipëri dhe gjetjet e rëndësishme nga raporti i ri kërkimor Pathways To Peace. 

Nuclear Disarmament & Disaster Risk Reduction: Women & Girls in the Lead

On March 17th, 2022, Pathways To Peace organized a conference “Nuclear Disarmament & Disaster Risk Reduction: Women & Girls in the Lead” in partnership with the United Nations Department of Global Communications (DGC) during the 66th Commission on the Status of Women. This conference addressed nuclear disarmament, disaster risk reduction, and the important role of women in nuclear policy and processes.  We were honored to be joined by the Permanent Representative of Albania to the United Nations, Ambassador Ferit Hoxha as one of our distinguished panellists. 

Other notable speakers include: 

  • John Ennis, Senior Political Affairs Officer, UN Office of Disarmament Affairs, 
  • Yoshiko Kajimoto, Survivor of the Atomic Bombing in Hiroshima, Japan, 
  • Beatrice Fihn, Executive Director of ICAN (Winner of 2017 Nobel Peace Prize), 
  • Veronique Christory, Senior Arms Control Advisor of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC),  
  • Jolanta Kusmierczyk-Michulec, Atmospheric Sciences Officer, International Data Centre, Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO).

Peace & Security in Albania Conference

On March 21st, 2021, Pathways To Peace organized a conference “Peace & Security in Albania” that addressed nuclear disarmament, European security, health, and the role of women in peacebuilding. The purpose of this conference was to bring together policy experts, officials, humanitarian response organizations, and youth activists in Albania to Identify actions to advance Albania’s role in the multilateral arena of nuclear disarmament, and international peace and security.

Some notable speakers include: Parliamentarian Elona Gjebrea Hoxha, Parliamentarian Ermonela Felaj, Deputy Ambassador Clarisse Pasztory of the OSCE PiA, Daniel Högsta (ICAN), and Secretary General of Red Cross Albania Artur Katuci.

Research Report:  A Strong Majority Wants Albania To Join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW)

Albanians have shown a strong majority support for Albania to join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). According to a recent study, 98% of Albanian citizens want Albania to join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), which bans the usage, possession, testing, and transfer of nuclear weapons under international law. The research also shows that 90% believe Albania should be among the first members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to ratify it.

Pathways To Peace commissioned IDRA, a research and consulting firm based in Tirana, Albania, to conduct the survey. The poll was co-sponsored by the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation and Së Bashku Foundation.

This poll is the first major assessment of Albanian public opinion on nuclear weapons since the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was adopted. It demonstrates that Albanians are as committed as ever to nuclear disarmament and Peace. It is time for Albania to join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).

Download the full report in English here

Download the full report in Albanian here

The report shows that the majority of Albanians surveyed feel their country would not be prepared to handle a crisis if a nuclear detonation were to occur anywhere in the world. Considering its seat on the United Nations Security Council, Albanians feel their government should affirm its commitment to nuclear disarmament by joining the rest of the international community through ratifying the TPNW.

Shumica e shqiptarëve kanë treguar një mbështetje të fortë për anëtarësimin e Shqipërisë në Traktatin për Ndalimin e Armëve Bërthamore (TPNW). Sipas një studimi të fundit, 98% e qytetarëve shqiptarë mendojnë që Shqipëria duhet të anëtarësohet në Traktatin për Ndalimin e Armëve Bërthamore (TPNW), i cili ndalon përdorimin, zotërimin, testimin dhe transferimin e armëve bërthamore sipas ligjit ndërkombëtar. Hulumtimi gjithashtu tregon se 90% mendojnë se Shqipëria duhet të jetë ndër anëtarët e parë të Organizatës së Traktatit të Atlantikut të Veriut (NATO) që ta ratifikojë traktatin.

Pathways To Peace kontraktoi IDRA, një kompani hulumtimesh dhe konsulence zhvillimore në Tiranë, Shqipëri, për të kryer studimin. Studimi u bashkë-sponsorizua nga Nuclear Age Peace Foundation dhe Fondacioni Së Bashku.

Ky sondazh është vlerësimi i parë i këtyre përmasave i opinionit publik shqiptar për armët bërthamore që nga miratimi i Traktatit për Ndalimin e Armëve Bërthamore. Ky studim tregon se shqiptarët janë më të përkushtuar sa kurrë për çarmatimin bërthamor dhe paqen. Është koha që Shqipëria të anëtarësohet në Traktatin e Ndalimit të Armëve Bërthamore (TPNW).

Raporti tregon se shumica e shqiptarëve të anketuar mendojnë se vendi i tyre nuk do të ishte i përgatitur për të përballuar një krizë nëse një shpërthim bërthamor do të ndodhte diku në botë. Duke marrë parasysh vendin e tij në Këshillin e Sigurimit të Kombeve të Bashkuara, shqiptarët mendojnë se qeveria e tyre duhet të afirmojë angazhimin e saj për çarmatimin bërthamor duke iu bashkuar pjesës tjetër të komunitetit ndërkombëtar nëpërmjet ratifikimit të TPNW.