Peace Education

Peace education is core to the mission of Pathways To Peace (PTP), and we’ve provided educational programming since our inception in 1984. We provide over 100 Peace presentations, workshops, and trainings annually – to adults, youth, and children. As with all our work, our approach is intergenerational, interfaith, and multicultural. While we believe everyone can benefit from Peace education, many of our trainings focus on preparing our next generation of Peacebuilders – our youth.
Whether our audience is at the United Nations (UN) or with members of Civil Society, our Peace educations reaches a diverse global audience, and our trainers come in all ages and from many different backgrounds. In recent years, many of our presentations and workshops have been recorded and are available on the video page on this site.
George Anthony, our PTP Primary Representative to the UN, trains middle and high school students on the art of Peacebuilding, in and outside of the classroom. George is recognized at the UN and beyond for his dedication to Peace and to mentoring young Peacebuilders. In partnership with PTP and the youth he works with, George founded The Global Leaders Institute. The young Peacebuilders in the Institute developed an online curriculum for students worldwide that do not have access to education. You can find more about George’s work here:

Many of the young Peace leaders trained by George go on to build Peace in various troubled areas of our world, and some also become PTP Representatives to the UN.
Mia Rodriquez and Garrett Nolan are in tenth grade and attended George Anthony’s classroom. Both, along with other next-generation Peacebuilders, have represented PTP at the UN and have provided many educational presentations. Garrett and Mia currently serve on the PTP Governing Council, where they share their insights to help PTP create a more just and Peaceful world.

If you’d like to contact PTP for more information about our Peace Education Program, please feel to contact Tezikiah (Tez) Gabriel at or 651-357-4436. We look forward to connecting!
And check out our Peacebuilding Tools that are available on this site:
- Peace Card (our vision for Peace)
- Peace Wheel (our organizing model that reinforces that we all have a role to play in bringing Peace to our “areas of influence)
- PeaceWave/Minute of Silence and Moment of Peace (a one-minute pause at noon in every time zone to hold the energy and vision of Peace)

We look forward to joining you in your commitment to Peace for all generations!
Remember, you are a pathway to Peace, and together we can make Peace Day every day!