Please Share Your Memories of Avon

Human Angel
Her mentorship was invaluable, her heart contagious, her intuition spot on and her visioning capabilities extraordinary. I am humbled to have had to opportunity to be affiliated with Pathways to
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Sharing Our Unique Pathways to Peace
I miss seeing Avon’s name following mine on our zoom daily meditative vigils … (A – for Anne, Avon).  As that connection  gave me comfort.  Only recently do I understand
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In 2013 I had the privilege of interviewing Avon on camera over several sessions. I became tremendously inspired by her presence and her stories, which were divided into a series
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Avon we are so grateful to you!
Dearest Avon: Thank you for shining so much light into the world. We love and honor you for all of the astonishing pathways to peace you birthed into form including
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When a Mentor Passes…
When a Mentor Passes The Message and the Mission What do you do when a mentor passes?  It’s a particular kind of loss. It’s a chosen loss. They feel like
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Unconditional love
I met Avon as a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner in 2002 after 9-11 incident. Her faith and trust in peace was rocked but she continued to do her part to
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UN Rep
We met at the UN. Our shared love for building peace brought us together for the 1995 50th Anniversary of the UN, I thank you Avon for so many things.
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My condolences to all who were blessed to know Avon
My precious introduction to Avon came when I joined the planning committee of PTP over a year ago. Avon went out of her way to connect people and to exponentially
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Avon a spiritual friend
I had the honor of spending over many years weekly home visits with Avon, assisting her health and wellbeing through the art of Jin Shin Jyutsu®. A form of acupressure
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Beloved Friend and Angel
Avon was part of our Gaiafield Wisdom Council that met weekly to meditate and practice subtle activism for over 10 years. From time to time, we would meet at Larkspur
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Love and Light for dear Avon
Dearest Avon, whom we all know and love, embodied grace, joy, and a full-hearted commitment to peacebuilding.  I am grateful for her early encouragement, at age 12, to constructively engage
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Founder and President
Remembering An Angel My dear sister Avon has been my mentor and guide for the past 35 years. As she journeys on the other side, I continue to feel her
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Avon our Angel
I have so much to say and so much to share I’ve typed, deleted, typed and deleted my thoughts about eight times now. I have so many kind words and
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