Avon Mattison, President & Co-Founder/Steward of Pathways To Peace (PTP)
Avon Mattison is a Peacebuilding and Inter-Organisational Consultant, Advisor and Mentor with five decades’ experience. She works with innovative leaders, groups and organizations on the “frontline” building a diverse regenerative Culture of Peace ~ inter-generationally and multi-culturally for the Common Good & future generations.
She is Co-Founder and President of Pathways To Peace (PTP), an international Peacebuilding, educational and consulting organization. PTP has Consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, and is an official Peace Messenger Organisation of the United Nations (UN). PTP is a tax-exempt, not-for-profit, non-partisan organiszation.
Avon has served as special advisor to United Nations Conferences, Declarations and Programmes, and also to renowned international leaders and emerging youth leaders.
Ms Mattison was also connected with the U.S. Foreign Service for three years in the European Community during the Cold War era.
She serves on the Advisory Councils/Boards of several international organizations and has been quoted in numerous publications worldwide.
Through Pathways To Peace, she co- created the Culture of Peace Initiative(CPI) in 1983/84 in colleagueship with former UN Assistant Secretary-General Robert Muller. This local/global Peacebuilding Initiative unites the strengths of over 4,000 international organizations and focuses co-operative Peacebuilding along diverse pathways/sectors.
She is the recipient of 4 Lifetime Achievement Awards.
Read More about Avon here: Avon Mattison: Celebrating Her Life, Well Lived