Sheva Carr, Co-Vice President
Sheva Carr is the architect and Director of HeartMath’s HeartMastery Program, the CEO of Fyera! / Heart Ambassadors, and the founding Executive Director of the Fyera Foundation and Sunflower SunPower Kids. She is honored to be a Pathways To Peace (PTP) Director and Representative to the United Nations. She is featured as a “love luminary” in Marci Schimoff’s New York Times bestselling book Love for No Rea-son. As a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and HeartMath trainer, she has authored several books of her own (most recently Being the Source of Love). Through her alliance with Creativity for Peace Sheva helps to bring young Israeli and Palestinian woman together in retreat settings and through social media. These women have become fast friends and global peace builders, living by the motto “An enemy is a friend who’s story you have yet to hear.” She has developed diverse programs around the world, including ones benefiting street children in Nicaragua and secret schools for women and girls in Afghanistan. Sheva speaks to people all over the world on how to access heart intelligence and inner peace, in order to receive the benefits of the heart’s impact on consciousness, health, performance, creativity, and social change, to create cultures of personal and global peace. She also has trained government agencies and soldiers preparing for deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Sheva did her undergraduate work in fine arts, cross cultural international studies, Spanish, and pre-med at Carnegie Mellon Universty, Yale, Friends World College, and Dalhousie University. She received experiential credits for her work in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Holland, England, and Canada. Her Masters Degree is in Traditional Chi-nese Medicine from Yo San University. Sheva has trained and coached hospital staff across the US, and founded the first HeartMath hospital patient education program at Earl Bakken’s Heart-Brain Institute in North Hawaii. She co-authored HeartMath’s Stopping Emotional Eating Program with Doc Childre and Deborah Rozman and was the coach and manager of the participants involved in the study done on that program. Previously on the Faculty of Alternative Medicine at University of Minnesota, and a professor of Oriental Medicine at Emperor’s College in Santa Monica CA, she has worked as a coach and consultant to leading cardiologists, heart-brain researchers, and physicists, and has been published in such prestigious journals as Perspectives in Biology and Medicine Where healing and performing arts meet, she has also come full circle, as a consultant to cutting edge creators of culture in the film, television, and music industries. With over 30 years of experience in fine arts and over 20 years of experience in acupuncture, herbal medicine, polarity therapy, birthing assistance, coaching, and stress management research and training, at heart, she is always a beginner learning new, and always willing to witness impossible good made real through the power of the heart.