What is Your Pathway To Peace? Please share

We have a replica of the Chartres labyrinth and starter in 2016 and 2017 the world labyrinth walk here in Portugal. Fiais da Beira.On the 21 of september we are
Read more.National Represantive and foundan
Bonjour cher collègue nous sommes une organisation de nom la Fondation de la Paix Mondiale RDCongo Afrique, Nous travaillons dans le domaine de la promotion de la culture de la
Read more.Woman of Color Working for Peace
I am from Niger, Niger is a West African country, I come precisely from the Tillabéri region, a region where almost all of the 13 departments are affected by insecurity.
Read more.Peace On Earth Tour
On 9/11/2020 Teri Angel left Florida and all material possessions to set off for unknown destinations to follow her passion of bringing more energy, education and collaboration for peace on
Read more.Transformational Homes Peace Initiative (T’Home Peace Initiative)
Introduction Transformational Home Peace Initiative (T’Home) is a community-based initiative whose aim is to effect positive social change by transforming Homes through relationship building and Human Rights education, Economic empowerment,
Read more.Calling 22022022, THE BIG SHIFT PARTY
It is about spreading the idea that on an agreed date, we pass ‘officially’, by ‘popular decree’, from the old world to the new world. On this date we will
Read more.Way of Peace
To get peace, every body could ” Apply the Golden Principle: Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Luke 6:31. Finished. If you want praise, give
Read more.Play for Peace
Founded in 1998, Play for Peace is a US-based, globally operating non-profit organization that brings together children, youth and organizations from communities in conflict, using cooperative play to create laughter,
Read more.A Musical Project for Teaching Human Rights
Every Man, Woman and Child is my musical presentation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I just released a dozen new improvisations on the original ballad, which was the
Read more.American Foundation of Suicide Prevention Board Member in Mississippi
I lost my son to Suicide 4 years ago. I have prayed and got counseling and have hit the tranquility mode. Will never hit the Acceptance mode till I see
Read more.Ending Racism Through Spiritual Growth
My Pathway To Piece is to do my part to End Racism Through Spiritual Growth. Since 1640 the false hypothesis of race and its many individual and institutional expressions have
Read more.Korean War Veterans Photo Project vol 1 Ethiopia -The Value of Honor
The faces of the Ethiopian warriors and family who participated in the Korean War b&w large book. The photographs were taken by the author during a visit to Ethiopia in
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