There are many ways each and every one of us can be part of the peace movement. You don't need to make radical life changes in order to affect change in the world.

Look at the following eight pathways, which one speaks to you?


Imagine that everyone in the world, the Earth and all its inhabitants and land masses, are protected in a positive, loving manner.
Examples of Peace:

  • Writing a letter or e-mail to an elected official to support positive legislature and government practices.
  • Participating in a march or celebration for peace or other positive cause.
  • Voting in elections.

Imagine education and literacy for all. Imagine media inspiring the best in people by covering positive stories, creative resolutions, and peaceful gatherings.
Examples of Peace:

  • Calling a local news station to cover a positive and "feel good" story.
  • Volunteering or working with children who need help with homework.
  • Leading exercises in a school that teach children creative resolution to conflicts and issues.

Imagine businesses striving to benefit the world and its inhabitants as a whole, not just its shareholders. Businesses can ask, "How can we serve?"
Examples of Peace:

  • Being part of your company's social giving board, encouraging giving to the community.
  • Volunteering with your department for a worthy cause as a team building exercise.
  • Buying fair-trade merchandise whenever possible.

Imagine people taking care of their bodies and relationships as they would a brand-new child - with love, peace, and tolerance.
Examples of peace:

  • Volunteering for an elderly care home leading exercise or art classes.
  • Taking the time to truly listen to a person you have a relationship with.
  • If you work in a health care system, creating or participating in an advisory board that encourages positive and supportive practices for all: patients, doctors, nurses, and therapists.

Imagine the benefits of science and technology enhancing all circles of life. Science and technology help to form the collective consciousness. Encourage research and technological advances in areas that support the common good of people and the Earth.
Examples of peace:

  • Do a science fair project with your child that teaches them and others the interdependency of people and nature.
  • Create a website to encourage love, hope, or peace in some aspect of life that interests you.
  • Support organizations that encourage positive research and humanistic advances in science.
Religion/Spiritual Teachings

Imagine a world of tolerance and appreciation of diverse religious beliefs, people encouraged to practice spirituality, and fostering the reverence of life.
Examples of peace:

  • Working at a Sunday school or similar to teach and inspire children to explore their connection to Spirit.
  • Speaking up when someone says something derogatory about a religious group. Encouraging understanding and education.
  • Speaking with your children about the importance of honoring other people's beliefs.

Imagine the Earth in all her natural beauty treasured, and its resources utilized in a sustainable manner, for this and future generations.
Examples of Peace:

  • Picking up trash in your neighborhood or when you are on a walk or at a park or beach.
  • Eating locally grown or organic foods when possible.
  • Volunteering for an organization that works with businesses to incorporate environmental and resource-sustainable practices.

Imagine all arts, media, communications, and cultural exchanges inspiring the best in people. Imagine Unity in Diversity.
Examples of Peace:

  • Supporting art shows, movies, or other cultural events that support peace.
  • Visiting museums and places that teach you about a part of society or culture you didn't know about previously.
  • Traveling to other countries. Exploring cultures other than your own.
